*** Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan ***
** HEC Category "Y" **
IJSS, A Research Journal of Social Sciences. ISSN (Online): 2959-4359, ISSN (Print): 3007-2018
July, 2022
1. Peer review policy
Peer review is a procedure used to make sure that only high-quality scientific work is published. It has been embraced by all prominent scientific publications as an objective way to ensure excellence in scholarly publishing. All new submissions are peer reviewed according to the process detailed below since our referees are essential to upholding the high standards of the IJSS.
2. Initial manuscript evaluation
All submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by one of the Chief Editors. An extraordinary manuscript might be accepted at this point, though it is uncommon. At this point, manuscripts are rejected because they lack sufficient originality, have significant scientific faults, use poor grammar or poor English, or fall outside the journal's objectives and purview. Those who satisfy the minimal requirements are often sent to at least two professional referees for review.
Within two weeks of receipt, authors of papers that are rejected at this stage are often notified.
3. Type of peer review
Inverge Journal of Social Sciences uses 'double blind' reviewing, in which the referees remain anonymous to the author(s) throughout and after the refereeing process, while the author(s) are also anonymous to the reviewers.
4. How the referee is selected
Referees are assigned to papers based on their areas of expertise whenever possible. We welcome recommendations from the author(s) for referees as our reviewer database is continually being updated, albeit such non-binding recommendations are not always followed.
5. Referee reports
Referees are requested to assess whether the manuscript meets the following criteria:
Referees are invited to advise language and style changes to the submission even though language correction is not a requirement for peer review. The managing Editor will review matters of language and stylistic accuracy in the final round and may provide or implement modifications at this time. The work may, in exceptional circumstances, be sent back to the author(s) for a thorough linguistic and stylistic correction.
6. How long does the review process take?
The referees' reaction will determine how long the review procedure takes. The first round of refereeing for the Inverge Journal of Social Sciences often takes two weeks, but no longer than one month. A second expert opinion may be requested if the referees' reports conflict with one another or if a report is excessively delayed. The handling Editor may decide to accept, reject, or ask the author for a revision on the basis of just one referee report in the rare instances when it would be extremely challenging to find a second referee to review the manuscript but the one referee's extant report has thoroughly convinced the handling Editor.
The method the editor's choice and the referees' suggestions, typically including their exact comments, will be forwarded to the author. Typically, amended manuscripts are sent to the first referees for review and perhaps subsequent revision requests.
7. Final report
The author will get a final decision on whether to accept or reject the work, along with the referees' recommendations and (if applicable) their verbatim remarks.
8. The Chief Editor's decision is final
Referees provide recommendations to the Chief Editor, who makes the final decision on whether to accept or reject the manuscript.
*** Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan ***
** HEC Category "Y" **
Inverge Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS), ISSN (Online): 2959-4359, ISSN (Print): 3007-2018
support@invergejournals.com |
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