*** Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan ***
** HEC Category "Y" **
IJSS, A Research Journal of Social Sciences. ISSN (Online): 2959-4359, ISSN (Print): 3007-2018
July, 2022
1. Plagiarism Policy – Inverge Journal of Social Sciences
It is an endeavour to assist editors in ensuring the originality of articles submitted in Inverge Journal of Social Sciences. Selected submitted manuscripts are scanned as part of this procedure, and the results are compared with the Turnitin database.
When a writer makes an attempt to pass off another person's work as their own, it is called plagiarism. Duplicate publication, often known as self-plagiarism, happens when an author reuses a significant portion of their own previously published work without giving the proper credit. This can include salami-slicing, in which authors add little quantities of fresh data to an earlier paper, or getting the same paper published in different journals.
2. Plagiarism Prior Publishing
Any case of plagiarism will be judged by Editorial Team of Inverge Journal of Social Sciences based on its parameters. Before or after acceptance, if plagiarism is found by an editorial board member, reviewer, editor, etc., throughout any stage of the article process, we shall notify the author(s) and urge them to either rework the text or cite the sources from which it was derived. The author will be alerted if the article is rejected if more than 30% of it contains copied material.
3. When will the plagiarism check be done?
After submission and before beginning the review process, every work submitted for publication is checked for plagiarism.
4. How is plagiarism controlled/handled?
Depending on the level of plagiarism, the texts in which it has been found are treated differently.
10% or less plagiarism: A review copy of the document will be sent to author for revision.
Greater than 10% to 29% plagiarism results in the manuscript losing its ID and being returned to the author for content revision.
Greater than 30% plagiarism: Without evaluation, the manuscript will be rejected. It is suggested that the authors rewrite the paper and submit it again.
5. Why mnuscripts with greater than 30% plagiarism is rejected?
If there is more than 30% plagiarism revealed, it is determined that the writers are extremely unlikely to edit the article and submit the edited version. Authors are welcome to make the necessary changes, nevertheless, and submit the text as a fresh submission.
6. What can you do if you come across a case of plagiarism in any journal from any publisher?
Please notify the editorial team(s) of all the involved journals if you discover a case of plagiarism in any journal from any publisher, providing them with the journal names, titles of the manuscripts, authors' names, volume and issue numbers, publication year, and any other information you may have. According to established procedures, the editorial offices will handle the cases.
7. What if plagiarism identified after publication?
After a paper has been published in IJSS, if plagiarism is discovered, the journal will launch a preliminary investigation. The journal will get in touch with the author's financial sources and institute if plagiarism is discovered. If there is a finding of misconduct, the IJSS will publish a statement online that is both connected to and from the original publication in order to note the plagiarism and provide a reference to the copied information. Each page of the PDF will clearly show which paper contains the copied material. The paper might also be formally retracted, depending on how much plagiarism was found.
8. Originality
It is acknowledged that the paper is original, unpublished, and not currently being considered by another publication when it is submitted to the journal. The journal does not accept plagiarism, including the duplication of the author's own work without the appropriate citation. Anti-plagiarism software may be used to verify the originality of manuscripts submitted to the journal.
Plagiarism is the false representation of thoughts, words, and other forms of original expression. The infringement of copyright laws is plagiarism. Plagiarism can take many different forms.
Copying verbatim from a different source. Using certain passages from another author's work on purpose.
Uncommon knowledge images, tables, equations, or pictures from another author's paper that are copied without attribution, as well as copied or intentionally used words.
Utilising the text that was downloaded from the internet.
Copying or downloading graphs, images, photos, or diagrams without crediting the original authors.
When submitting a publication that was first published in another language, the authors must specify the title, date, and journal of the original publication and secure the copyright. Such a translated publication might be accepted by the editor so that it might reach a larger audience.
If an author wants to use content from another work, they must cite it in the references. Otherwise, the author must completely alter the language and use their own language and words.
9. Acknowledging author(s) sources
A related problem is self-plagiarism. In this text, we define self-plagiarism as the reuse of a major amount of one's own copyrighted work verbatim or almost verbatim without referencing the original source. It should be noted that publications based on the author's own previously copyrighted work (such as those that appear in conference proceedings) where an explicit reference is made to the earlier publication are not considered to be self-plagiarized. Although the source must be cited, such reuse does not necessitate the use of quotation marks to distinguish the reused text.
Dr. Muhammad Asif
Editor-in-Chief (IJSS)
*** Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan ***
** HEC Category "Y" **
Inverge Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS), ISSN (Online): 2959-4359, ISSN (Print): 3007-2018
support@invergejournals.com |
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