Development or Post-Development Narrative: What Do We Know About it and the Way Forward


  • Bridget Acquah Akobima M/A Basic School, Ghana
  • Ernest Darkwa Seven Hearts Ghana
  • Constance Osafo-Adjei


Development, Post-development, Alternatives, Remaking, Capitalist, Modern


This paper investigates the post-development narrative, taking into account its primary foundations, strengths, and weaknesses.  The paper is divided into six sections. After the introduction, the second section discusses the paper's methodology, and the third section examines the development and fundamental principles of post-development. The fourth segment explores some of the criticisms posed by post-development theorists against development. The post-development alternatives and contributions are examined in the fifth part. The paper's conclusion provides a summary of post-development's fundamental principles and a roadmap for future growth.


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How to Cite

Acquah, B., Darkwa, E., & Osafo-Adjei, C. (2024). Development or Post-Development Narrative: What Do We Know About it and the Way Forward. Inverge Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 1–6. Retrieved from

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