Green Finance and the Automate Solar Tracking System: Assessing Efficiency, Financial impact, and Environmental Benefits


  • Zuhaib Nishtar China Three Gorges University, Yichang CHina
  • M Asif Munir Superior University, Lahore
  • Nijah Akram Punjab Tianjin University of Technology
  • Bilal Masood Superior University, Lahore
  • Fahad Asghar Department of Management Sciences, Qurtaba University of Science and Technology
  • Monir Ahmad Meahrayen Department of Hydroulic and Environmental Engineering China Three Gorges University ,Yichang, China


Financial Impact, Green Finance, Solar energy, Solar-tracking system (STS), PV panel, Renewable energy, Sustainability, Climate change, Energy efficiency


The goal of this project is to create a functional solar energy prototype that can automatically adjust the solar panel's orientation towards the highest intensity of light using sensors. The researchers also want to evaluate the system's effectiveness and the financial implications of its cost. The researchers developed a tilted single axis solar tracker (TSAT) that ensures the conversion of solar energy into electricity is improved by aligning the solar panel with the sun's actual position. A microcontroller controls a DC stepper motor, which moves a mini PV panel based on signals from two basic but efficient light sensors, in order to make the experimental model of the device work. The performance of the solar tracker was assessed and analyzed experimentally. The financial impact of a TSAT was also calculated.

The researchers discovered that the tracked panel's financial impact was 7.5% lower than the tilted fixed panel's. They came to the conclusion that tracked panels are more financially advantageous and efficient than tilted fixed panels. The findings of this study show that TSATs are a promising technology for enhancing the efficiency of solar panels and lowering the cost of solar energy. Further research is required to enhance the TSAT design and make it more cost-effective.


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How to Cite

Nishtar, Z., Munir, M. A., Akram, N., Masood, B., Asghar, F., & Meahrayen, M. A. (2023). Green Finance and the Automate Solar Tracking System: Assessing Efficiency, Financial impact, and Environmental Benefits. Inverge Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 134–147. Retrieved from

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