The role of recruitment and selection on organizational performance

An empirical investigation into the impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance


  • Muhammad Hamza Khan School of Business Administration, National College of Business Administration and Economics, Pakistan.


Recruitment, Selection, Organizational performance, Human resources practices, Employee performance, Recruitment process


The researchers wanted to see how much of an effect hiring practices have on productivity inside a business. The goal was to learn about current procedures for selecting candidates and making hiring decisions. Human resource management and growth, including the recruitment and selection procedure, its accompanying difficulties, and potential solutions. The questionnaire was used to collect the data from two hundred (200) responders from the firms in Pakistan. The findings revealed that the general population's advertisement of job openings, the usage of employment agent(s), and employee recommendations are mostly used. The approach employed for recruiting prospective staff members, it was also discovered that the technique utilized during the recruiting and selection procedure was very successful and furthermore contributed to enhancing employee performance, the study discovered that the selecting and recruiting procedures are additionally defined by many challenges, among the suggestions that were produced were the fact that prospective employees ought to be dealt with equitably in the selection and hiring process, furthermore employees must be appreciated.


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Author Biography

Muhammad Hamza Khan, School of Business Administration, National College of Business Administration and Economics, Pakistan.

"I am a dedicated researcher with a Master's degree in Human Resources and a passion for producing scholarly work that contributes to our understanding of critical HR topics. With 2 years of experience in the field, I have gained a deep appreciation for the importance of strategic recruitment, talent management, and employee development. In addition to serving in various HR positions, I have authored one published paper in Review in Business and Economics and have presented my research at a number of industry conferences. My goal is to continue producing high-quality, impactful research and contributing to the body of knowledge in the field of HR. I am currently engaged in several new research projects and am eager to share my findings with other scholars and practitioners."




How to Cite

Khan, M. H. (2023). The role of recruitment and selection on organizational performance: An empirical investigation into the impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance. Inverge Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 146–164. Retrieved from

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