Effect of Internet Addiction on School Going Children


  • Nayla Shahid AIOU Islamabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Asif
  • Dr. Adil Pasha


Internet Addcition, School Going Childern, Nutritional Status, BMI, Education


The Internet plays a fundamental role in society. It is an easy access point for information exchange and academic research. Prolonged use of the internet can lead to internet addiction, resulting in marked distress and/or functional impairment in psychological, physical, and social daily life activities.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the nutritional status of school going children linked with internet addiction residing in the vicinity of Bani Gala, Islamabad, and to reconnoitre the changes in dietary habits among school going students located in Bani Gala, Islamabad.

STUDY DESIGN: The study was designed as a descriptive, cross-sectional, and correlational research study on school going children linked with internet addiction residing in the vicinity of Banigala, Islamabad. Three questionnaires were used to collect data, a basic demographic questionnaire, a validated semi-quantitative FFQ, and a 24-hours recall. Anthropometric measurements were done, which include weight, height, and BMI. Their Body Mass Index (BMI) for age was calculated with the help of their height and weight measurements and compared with WHO standards. Dietary practices were assessed with the help of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Actual energy intake per day was computed based on a 24-hours recall.

SUBJECTS/SETTINGS: Total estimated population of school going children was 7,173 at the time of data gathering in the selected vicinity of Islamabad. A sample of 500 (273 (54.6 %) male and 227 (43.4 %) of school going children was selected through simple random sampling for selection of school, and then systematic random sampling was adopted for selection of sample.

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Socio-demographic, anthropometric, and dietary intake data were entered on SPSS version 22 and subjected to statistical analysis. The Nutri-survey software was used to determine the intake of various nutrients over a 24-hour hours recall. AMoS was also applied for analysis of confirmatory factor analysis. Descriptive statistics like frequencies and percentages were subjected to tests like Pearson’s correlation and regression, which were used to test the relationship between internet addiction and the nutritional status of school going children and test hypotheses.

RESULTS: The results show that internet addiction has a negative impact on the nutritional status of school going children in Bani Gala, Islamabad. BMI of the school going children are high due to lack of physical activities and higher calories intake, hoteling and excessive use of snacks.  

CONCLUSIONS: The nutritional statuses of school going children is not properly satisfactory in terms of meal pattern and foods consumption from various schools due to excessive use of internet. The low consumption of vegetables and high intake of fast food and snakes can affect their health in the future.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Implement focused awareness programs targeting school specialists and parents, and various workshops for school going children on the physical, psychological, and social risks of excessive use of the Internet. Parents and guardians should take care of their children regarding their use of the internet.


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How to Cite

Shahid, N., Asif, M., & Pasha, D. A. (2022). Effect of Internet Addiction on School Going Children. Inverge Journal of Social Sciences, 1(1), 13–55. Retrieved from https://invergejournals.com/index.php/ijss/article/view/3