Work from Home in Pandemic - An Indian Perspective


  • Rizwana Khatun Leaf Welfare Trust


Work from home, gender, pandemic, stress, willingness to work from home.


With lockdowns consequent to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people were confined to their homes, along with their children and many of the vulnerable elderly. The spill-over effect of the pandemic brought about rampant changes in the lives of all, with working from home being a major one. This study was done to find the perspective and experiences of the Indian workforce after two years of working from home, with many still pursuing the same format. Also, it was intended to assess the personal factors contributing to one’s willingness to continue to work from home post-pandemic. The chi-square test and the SPSS ordinal regression procedure were employed to test the hypotheses defined for achieving the objectives of the study. The study found that the experiences and challenges faced by both males and females were significantly different, with females facing greater stress. For males, working from home was more pleasant. However, they faced difficulty maintaining a work-life balance. While gender was insignificant, age and having no children, particularly less than ten years old, were significant predictors of willingness to work from home in the post-pandemic era.



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Author Biography

Rizwana Khatun, Leaf Welfare Trust


Founder- Leaf Welfare Trust

(Working in the area of Education, Health and Welfare)

Served as Research Assistant on an ICSSR funded project

Ex- Assistant Professor at Department of Business Administration,

AMU Centre- Kishanganj (Bihar)

Correspondence Address: Motihari Medical Centre, Opp. TVS Showroom, Ragunathpur, East Champaran, Motihari, Bihar- 845401

Contact Number: +91- 9110175435/ 7779892686




How to Cite

Khatun, R. (2023). Work from Home in Pandemic - An Indian Perspective. Inverge Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 77–95. Retrieved from

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