Understanding the Use of Egg Carton Maths Manipulative to Help Kindergarten Pupils' Add One Digit Numbers in the Akobima MA Basic School, Ghana


  • Bridget Acquah Akobima M/A Basic School, Ghana


Action Research, Egg Carton, Kindergarten, Manipulatives


The goal of this study was to help Kindergarten pupils at Akobima MA Basic School enhance their composition writing skills. The implementation of the Egg Carton Math manipulative intervention enhanced kids' academic achievement, as indicated by a significantly higher average score (7) at the post-intervention stage compared to the low average score (3) during the pre-intervention stage. The findings also revealed that pupils were more engaged and motivated in the learning process. In order to do this, the Egg Carton Math manipulative was used as an intervention to improve pupil-to-pupil and teacher-to-pupil engagement. Other data-gathering approaches used at the pre-and post-intervention stages, such as observation and interview, verified that the problem was remedied once the intervention was implemented. As a result, the study suggests that the Egg Carton Math manipulative be utilized to help Kindergarten pupils improve their composition writing skills.


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How to Cite

Acquah, B. (2022). Understanding the Use of Egg Carton Maths Manipulative to Help Kindergarten Pupils’ Add One Digit Numbers in the Akobima MA Basic School, Ghana. Inverge Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 1–10. Retrieved from https://invergejournals.com/index.php/ijss/article/view/19